Mistletoe comes with a botanical name Viscum album. Other varieties come in with different botanical names.

It considered as a semiparasitic plant that grows on deciduous trees. The medicinal portions of the plant include the leaves, stem, and pea-sized berries. Mistletoe has been used widely to treat many illnesses

Other common names of the mistletoe include mislin bush, kiss and go, and churchman’s greeting. Mistletoe is known as Afomo in Yoruba, Awuruse in Ibo and Bokondoro in Hausa. The Akans call it Nkranpan.

Mistletoe has been used as a dry herb. Dried mistletoe can be used whilst preparing herbal tea. The easiest steps to prepare mistletoe tea is using hot, not boiling water. Several of the tea benefits of mistletoe are listed above.


1. Lowers Blood Pressure:

The extract of mistletoe is naturally embedded with a potency noted for combating  hypertension. The extract helps to lower blood pressure and eases  stress that relate to the heart or the cardiovascular system which in  effect prevent heart attacks, strokes, and coronary heart diseases. It slows down the pulse and reduces the heart exertion.

2. Anti-cancer Potential

Studies had shown that breast cancer patients recorded vast  improvement in their overall wellbeing with the use of mistletoe. The most significant impact of mistletoe’s extract benefits is its ability to function  against the growth of  cancer progression.
Another research in China suggests that mistletoe contain chemo-preventive agents known to lower the side effects of chemotherapy like hair loss, nausea, and numbness.

3. Promotes Good Sleep:

Consumption of tea made from  Mistletoe packs the body with the  effect of  nervine properties that has the full potency for combating  restlessness or insomnia.
Then having a strong tea of mistletoe can help induce sleep. Note that the chemical agents found in mistletoe can affect neurotransmitters release and soothe nervous sleep, and allow a restful sleep. The nervous system is connected to Circadian rhythms and calm down sleep cycle.

4. Treats Respiratory Diseases:

Mistletoe is loaded with nerve-soothing properties which makes it necessary to calm down respiratory system. From treating coughs, to sore throats, and bronchial inflammation, it has shown its potency to calm irritation and discomfort in the chest.

5. Prevents Diabetes:

The plant is packed with potential  anti-diabetic  properties and research has  shown that it can help in lowering blood glucose since  mistletoe extract can stimulate insulin production in pancreas which helps in regulating the body levels, and reducing the disorder severity.
It is commonly suggested as a natural remedy for diabetic patients.

6. Calms Nervous System:

Mistletoe is abound in neurotransmitters   which helps to calm the brain cells and for this reason anyone whom is suffering from depression or anxiety, restlessness and other related discomforts can reliably use  mistletoe as a nervine tonic
It helps lower stress hormone levels and calms  nerves to maintain a balance.

7. Boosts Immune System:

  Mistletoe is loaded with antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral effects and for  that matter one significant effect of mistletoe is that  it has a  positive  effect on the immune system. This is the reason why this plant is used for the treatment of several chronic diseases and also combat sickness. The antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral agents of the herb protects the body, and strengthen immune system.

8. Prevents Inflammation:

An anti-inflammatory property package in the plant makes the  mistletoe good for  combating inflammatory discomforts from joints pain, muscular pain etc, especially at old age.
The anti-inflammatory agents can be also good for digestive and gastrointestinal problems, too.

9. Eases Menstrual Disorders:

If you are suffering from menstrual pain and cramps, then make use of mistletoe plant. It is a great option. One  can brew a mistletoe tea for calming the muscle inflammation, spasms, cramping, and release the tension that are associated with menstrual discomforts.
Always seek advice from a health consultant before using a strong nervine remedy like mistletoe. It may be particularly harmful for pregnant woman and those considering getting pregnant.

10. Treats Snoring.
A cup of tea made from mistletoe is good to soothe the nerves and promotes a good sleep and also eases respiratory problems.! A cup of this herbal tea before going to sleep can soothe the nerves and promote restful sleep, while also soothing respiratory distress. Together, this means a much lower chance of snoring while you sleep.

11. Use Topically To Treat Skin Conditions:

Mistletoe can be used for bathing purpose. The application of poltice or  paste of mistletoe onto  the skin is good for treating varicose veins, eczema, and ulcers on lower legs.

12. Treat Anxiety and Depression:

Mistletoes are a powerful remedy to treat mood related conditions like anxiety, depression, and fatigue, and also cancer treatments. Some studies have revealed that mistletoe can help during recovering period of cancer patients.

13. Support Hormonal Balance:

Mistletoe is used in the treatment for menopause symptoms like insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue. It also regulates hormones when a woman is experiencing irregular periods.

14. Strengthen Bone And Teeth:

Mistletoe can treat several diseases. Its leaves also contain minerals which can help in strengthening teeth and bones.

15. Prevents DNA Damage.

A 2012 study published in “Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine” found that Mistletoe extracts from plants grown on lime, locust and hedge-maple trees, significantly protected against nuclear DNA damage. Methanolic extracts were shown to prevent oxidative DNA damage, although its activity is dependant on the host tree.

The plant is used for combating the following challenges as well.
1. Seizures or Epilepsy.
2. Headaches.

3. Convulsions

4. Hysteria

5. Urinary tracts discharge.

-Remember that the herb is known for causing side effects, especially if you consume its leaves.
-The best way to use mistletoe is under the guidance of an experienced herbalist. -They may monitor your pulse with a small dosage. If your pulse starts to weaken, then mistletoe may not be suitable for your body.

              Dosage Recommendation:

Here is the correct dosage of mistletoe leaves that you need to follow up with:

-Make use of a small dose of the leaves. Some herbalists use just one or two milliliters of the extract daily in small doses.
– Low doses are even suggested by doctors as a treatment for cancer.

-The herb or mistletoe fruit is used for preparing tea. The recommended dosage is 10 grams daily.

                     SIDE EFFECTS

1. Mistletoe can lead to diarrhea.

2. Its leaves can cause dry mouth and stomach ache.

3. If taken in a higher dose, mistletoe leaves can lead on to lose appetite.



CHERISghana : Caring For The Uncared For.

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